I really enjoyed connecting with other educators that are passionate about global education. It was great to learn from them and work with them as we tackled important issues and concepts that our students need to grapple with.
This month we would like to feature our 2018 World View Fellows cohort for the amazing work they did during their participation in World View’s first World View Fellows Program. In the summer of July 2018, a selected a group of K-12 and community college educators of all disciplines met for the first time as the 2018 Fellows cohort. This program served as an interdisciplinary professional learning opportunity for North Carolina educators, enriching educators’ understanding of pressing global environmental issues. Using the images in the Population Institute’s OVERBook, educators were tasked with creating study guides with educator resources for colleagues and peers to use in their classrooms and lesson plans. The 2018 Fellows created content surrounding six main topics within the theme of contemporary environmental issues. These topics were climate change, consumption, human rights, nature’s rights, pollution and water.
Patricia Adams, Janis Antonek, Lisa Brewer, Meghan Davis, Jack Hudson, Jacey Macdonald, Stephanie Morgan, Heather Oswald, Annie Polashock, Lee Ann Smith, Lori Townsend and Holly Grant Whistler made up the 2018 Fellows cohort. For more information about each fellow please visit this link on the World View website. From July 2018 to December 2018 the fellows worked with one another, World View’s Assistant Director, Holly Loranger and the Population Institute’s OVERBook to create study guides to be used by educators of all disciplines. By being a fellow, educators felt “much more empowered to bring up some of the difficult and controversial issues addressed in the OVERBook since having participated in this program.” One fellow also said that they “have been more conscious of how often global issues surface in my class lessons and discussions. I look for opportunities to facilitate conversations in my class.” The 2018 Fellows also became a group that worked together and shared ideas on how to best infuse global education into their classrooms and curriculum. “I really enjoyed connecting with other educators that are passionate about global education. It was great to learn from them and work with them as we tackled important issues and concepts that our students need to grapple with.”
To explore the study guides created by the 2018 Fellows please visit the World View Fellows resource page. World View would like to thank our 2018 Fellows for promoting the value of global education by creating resources to help students learn about important global environmental issues.