Charlé LaMonica | November 5, 2019
People have lived in North Carolina for more than 15,0000 years and the evidence for their lives is all around us… according to scholars in the Research Laboratories of Archaeology (RLA), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Available online is a virtual museum of North Carolina Archaeology. Go to ANCIENTNC.WEB.UNC.EDU and discover archaeology in your county through images, North Carolina’s first peoples, a list of American Indian archaeological sites in our state and even information about shipwrecks that happened off our coast. Learn about North Carolina’s 15,000-year American Indian heritage and the state’s 400+ year colonial heritage. Gain resources for North Carolina history and archaeology. Explore 3D models of artifacts in the RLA collection, and more. The website also has a helpful section to help students understand the discipline of archaeology and other tools that may help them think like an archaeologist as they explore the artifacts virtually on the museum’s website.
Ancient North Carolinians was made possible by the generous support of the C. Felix Harvey family (through a Harvey Award at UNC-Chapel Hill) and a grant from the Kenan Creative Collaboratory.
Other organizations that provided key support are the N.C. Archaeological Council, the N.C. Archaeological Society, the N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs, UNC-Chapel Hill’s American Indian Center, UNC Libraries and the Office of Arts and Sciences Information Services (OASIS) at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Explore the possibilities of teaching and learning. Be curious about the rich global history of our region. Model connecting the past to the present for your students.