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Hazael Andrew | December 17, 2019

World View is excited to welcome instructors from its partner institutions across the state who have applied for Global Distinction Curriculum Grants to globalize courses they teach. The grants are made possible through World View’s private donors and pan-university partners – including UNC’s five U.S. Department of Education-funded area studies programs, called National Resource Centers, and UNC University Libraries. A total of 14 community college instructors from 9 global distinction schools submitted applications. Some of the courses instructors are interested in globalizing this year include MKT 120 (Principles of Marketing), HUM 110 (Technology and Society), MAT 152 (Statistical Methods), COM 140 (Cultural Intelligence), HEA 110 (Personal Health and Wellness), and SOC 230 (Race and Ethnic Relations). Over 1,000 students will be enrolled in all the 14 courses combined.

This Fall 2019 semester, three instructors from Guilford Tech Community College, Fayetteville Tech Community College and Davidson County Community College have already visited UNC-Chapel Hill. Tomecia Sobers (pictured) from Fayetteville Tech visited the UNC campus to seek resources as she globalizes her SOC 230 (Race and Ethnic Relations) course. Heather Parsons, an Early Childhood Education instructor at Davidson County Community College who is globalizing her EDU 251 (Exploration Activities) class, shared with us about the positive impact of the visit when she returned to her campus. Heather met with librarians, faculty, and World View staff to gather resources to globalize her course. She shared, “Before our meeting, I explained my goal for my students and my globalized module. I also provided what type of peer-reviewed journal articles that I would be looking for to benefit my course. When I arrived to UNC, all of the articles were ready and the staff also took the time to search for more to upload onto a flash drive. The visit could not have been any more organized or well planned.” Heather is energized and excited to use the resources she gathered to globalize her course and is thankful to all who made her visit possible.

The Spring 2020 semester will be busy as the World View team is working with campus partners to host 11 instructors. We are looking forward to seeing the impact these globalized courses will have on students at community colleges across North Carolina.