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Susan O'Rourke | August 24, 2022

The richness and diversity of Indigenous cultures are recognized around the world on International Day of the World’s Indigenous People (August 9) and in the United States on Indigenous Peoples’ Day (October 10).  UNC World View encourages educators looking forward to discussing these Indigenous cultures in their classrooms to check out the lessons created by UNC World View Fellows in partnership with the UNC American Indian Center and the UNC Research Labs of Archaeology.

The lessons were developed as part of the 2021-2022 UNC World View Fellows Program, Exploring Indigenous Cultures: Ancient North Carolinians, Past and Present. North Carolina educators were selected as Fellows, and they created lessons for a variety of disciplines in K-12 schools and community colleges so students can learn about the ancient peoples that lived here and those who represent today’s vibrant American Indian populations. Lessons also make connections from the past to the present day by exploring multiple resources within the Ancient North Carolinians: A Virtual Museum of North Carolina Archaeology website to examine how communities changed over time and what influenced these changes. Understanding past indigenous lifeways—their complexity, resiliency, and vitality—allows for a greater appreciation of the contributions American Indians made to the past and continue to make to the present and future of North Carolina.

Educators are encouraged to incorporate global perspectives while discussing Indigenous cultures and history. Check out the following resources that discuss Indigenous cultures around the world:

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2022 (United Nations)