Community College Symposium

November 4, 2022
9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., The Friday Conference Center, Chapel Hill
Online registration has closed.
Day-of registration will be available at the Friday Conference Center. Registration and check-in will begin at 9am at the Friday Conference Center. For directions, click here. For a parking pass, click here to download.
Information security is a growing concern given the expanded digital ecosystem in our interconnected world. According to the Allianz Risk Barometer, cyber incidents are the most important global business risk in 2022. Community colleges will play an instrumental role in educating the next generation of students to combat this risk.
This symposium will explore topics and strategies that address information security, including how to align the learning goals of technical programs and international workforce needs and integrate global content into what is already being taught in courses.
Through an engaging interactive plenary talk, CTE workshop, themed sessions, and a panel discussion, educators will leave with new knowledge and resources they can take back to their classrooms and institutions.
This program is designed for community college instructors, as well as administrators and staff.
Welcome Speakers
Bina Hallman, Vice President, Technology Lifecycle Services, IBM
Bina has had responsibility for IBM Storage P&L with both mature and rapidly growing highly profitable $4B+ portfolio and successfully implemented strategy transforming the portfolio to Hybrid Cloud, AI and Security.
Currently Bina leads IBM Worldwide Technology Life Cycle Services Customer Support, with responsibility for IBM Systems including IBM Z, Power and Storage Hybrid Cloud products and solutions. She’s driving transformation of mature break-fix support which has industry leading NPS to Predictive with Automation and AI.
Bina has been on IBM’s Acceleration Team of Top 300 IBM Executives for past four years.
She is experienced in building relationships with Fortune 500 C-level executives, internal teams, customers, partners, and suppliers.
Bina is on the Board of College of Engineering at University of North Carolina.
She is the Executive leader of IBM Systems Diversity and Inclusion Council and Network of Emerging Women Leaders. Bina nurtures trust in her organizations by personally coaching both individuals and teams to build a sustainable, high-performance culture and organization.
She completed MS in Electrical Engineering and BS in Computer Science & Electrical Engineering programs at UNCC.
Charlé LaMonica, Director, UNC World View UNC-Chapel Hill
Plenary Speakers
Dave Chatterjee, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Management Information Systems, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia and Visiting Professor, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University
Dr. Chatterjee’s interest and expertise lie in the various facets of information technology management, with current focus on cybersecurity and enterprise digitization. His work has been published in prestigious outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, MIT Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, Business Horizons, MIS Quarterly, and the Journal of Management Information Systems. Dr. Chatterjee serves as Senior Editor of the Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce. His book titled Cybersecurity Readiness: A Holistic and High-Performance Approach was published by SAGE Publishing in March 2021.
Dr. Chatterjee delivers talks around the world; moderates CXO panel discussions; conducts corporate training, workshops, and webinars; and provides consulting and advisory services. He has appeared on radio and TV interviews and is often quoted by news media on major technology-related developments. He has served on the corporate and community leadership board of a prestigious cybersecurity network of Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and on a CISO SWAT team.
Kenneth Langley, Director of Research IT, IT Office, UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine
Brian Penders, Chief Information Security Officer, UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine
Heather Singmaster, Director, Center for Global Education, Digital Promise
Charles Thayer, Applications Analyst, Research IT Team, UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine
Concurrent Session Speakers
Hazael Andrew, Associate Director, UNC World View
Brandy Bowe, U.S. Apprenticeship Program Manager for IBM’s New Collar Initiatives
Adrianne George, Founder, MyCyberExec
These experiences gave Adrianne an in-depth understanding of the challenges facing the public and private sectors to recruit and retain cyber talent. Through MyCyberExec, she will enable businesses to meet the growing cyber challenges and build strong security teams. She established MyCyberExec with the intent to do these things a little differently as she believes cyber should be demystified. For that reason, her goal is to work with clients on approachable, authoritative, and actionable plans for their cyber needs.
Suzanne LaVenture, Director of International Education at Davidson-Davie Community College
Student Panel Moderator
Gonda Watson, Instructor, IT Academy and Founder, Cybersecurity Program, Stanly Community College
Student Panel Speakers
Matthew Anderson, Student, Fayetteville Technical Community College
Mackenzie Bassett, Student, Gaston College
Brockton Green, Student, Davidson-Davie Community College
Taylor Hughes, Student, Gaston College
Toni Ramirez, Student, Wayne Community College
9:30 a.m. | Registration and Continental Breakfast |
10:00 a.m. | Welcome Charlé LaMonica, Director, UNC World View, UNC-Chapel Hill Bina Hallman, Vice President, Technology Lifecycle Services, IBM |
10:10 a.m. | Plenary Talk 1 Securing Academic Institutions -- A Holistic and High-Performance Approach to Cyber Readiness with David Chatterjee, Associate Professor, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia and Visiting Professor, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University |
11:05 a.m. | Break |
11:15 a.m. | Plenary Talk II 2022 Cybersecurity Threat Landscape, New Tactics Leveraging Old Themes – It (Still) Takes a Village with Brian Penders, Chief Information Security Officer, UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine Kenneth Langley, Director of Research, IT Office, UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine Charles Thayer, Applications Analyst, Research IT Team, UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine |
12:00 p.m. | Lunch |
1:00 p.m. | Workshop Career and Technical Education Globalization Workshop with Heather Singmaster, Director, Center for Global Education, Digital Promise |
3:00 p.m. | Break |
3:15 p.m. | Concurrent Sessions Track I: Scholar of Global Distinction Meeting with Suzanne LaVenture, Director of International Education at Davidson-Davie Community College and Hazael Andrew, Associate Director of UNC World View Track II: Preparing Community College Graduates for Cybersecurity Careers with Adrianne George, Founder of MyCyberExec Track III: Improving Access to Opportunities for Community College Students with Brandy Bowe, U.S. Apprenticeship Program Manager for IBM’s New Collar Initiatives |
4:00 p.m. | Transition to Final Session |
4:10 p.m. | Cybersecurity Panel moderated by Gonda Watson, Instructor, IT Academy and Founder, Cybersecurity Program, Stanly Community College with students from Fayetteville Technical Community College, Wayne Community College, Davidson-Davie Community College, and Gaston College |
5:00 p.m. | Reception |
Program Materials
To receive 10 PDCH you must attend the virtual program and turn in a completed study guide. The study guide can be accessed here.
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