For Scholar of Global Distinction Educators and Students
February 9, 2024 via Zoom
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m
The webinar is free, but registration is required.
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Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies (CSEEES)
The 3rd annual Scholar of Global Distinction student and educator program will feature a talk from Dr. Graeme Robertson, a Professor of Political Science at UNC-Chapel Hill. Dr. Robertson will provide a critical update on Russia’s war on Ukraine and answer some important questions on the war’s impact on the rest of the world. Scholar of Global Distinction students will have an opportunity to earn 4 hours towards the 8-hour international activity requirement of the Scholar of Global Distinction program. The program is open to Scholar of Global Distinction students and educators.
Welcome Speaker
Hazael Andrew is the Associate Director of UNC World View. As part of his role, Hazael plans and administers professional development programs for K-12 and community college educators. He collaborates with 31 community colleges in North Carolina and Florida on the Scholar of Global Distinction program, a program where community colleges and their faculty commit to develop and offer globally intensive courses and activities through which students can earn a global distinction credential from UNC World View.
Prior to joining UNC World View, Hazael directed the student affairs experience of 4,200 first-year residential students at UNC-Chapel Hill. Beyond domestic educational engagement, Hazael has extended his strategic global engagement, where he worked in China, piloting a large-scale summer academic enrichment program for Chinese, Indian and American students at Duke Kunshan University. Similarly, Hazael created an inaugural program for UNC Chapel Hill that cultivated a new collaborative relationship with the University of the West Indies, exposing students in the United States to the British education system, and fostering increased cultural awareness through travel and engagement in Trinidad and Tobago.
Hazael’ s educational background includes a Ph.D. in Educational Studies with a concentration in Cultural Foundations from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, an MBA in Finance from Mississippi State University, and a dual bachelor’s degree in Managerial Economics and Finance from Fayetteville State University.
Graeme Robertson is a Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Director of the Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies. His work focuses on political protest and regime support in authoritarian regimes. He is the author of Putin v. The People (with Samuel Greene), published by Yale University Press in June 2019. The book presents a fresh new look at the social bases of support for and opposition to authoritarian rule in Russia. Graeme is also the author of Revolution and Reform in Ukraine, published by PONARS Eurasia (with Silviya Nitsova and Grigore Pop-Eleches) and The Politics of Protest in Hybrid Regimes: Managing Dissent in Post-Communist Russia, published by Cambridge University Press. Graeme currently serves as the associate editor for comparative politics for the American Journal of Political Science.
Closing Speakers
With two decades of experience at the university, public school, and community college level, Allyson Daly currently serves as the Chair for the Languages and Communication Department at Wayne Community College, as a Coordinator for the Scholars of Global Distinction program at WCC, and as the Community College representative for the North Carolina Association of International Educators (NCAIE). She is also an alumni of the Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program with the U.S. State Department where she co-created international projects that became the WorldLINK Foundation, Poland, and has served as a Curriculum Specialist for World View at UNC-Chapel Hill. She has received many nominations and awards for her teaching and was selected the 2014-15 Wayne County Teacher of the Year. Allyson has a master’s degree in English Literature and a bachelor of science degree in English Education both from East Carolina University
Kat Goodpaster serves as the Assistant Director of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Russian Flagship Program. Kat is a double Tar Heel, graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with her Bachelor’s in Peace, War, and Defense and a minor in Russian (2021) and her Master’s in Global Studies with a concentration in Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies (2023). Prior to coming to Carolina, she received her Associates from Sandhills Community College and participated in the Scholars of Global Distinction Program. While at SCC, Kat participated in the Department of State’s National Security Language Initiative for Youth program and went to Moscow, Russia for six weeks to study Russian.
Program Materials
The student activity sheet is available here.
Program Policies
To review UNC World View’s program policies (including photography, social media, refund, and cancellation policies), click here.
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