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As part of the Global Distinction Program UNC World View is providing grants funded by UNC National Resource Centers and UNC World View donors for community college faculty to create global modules for courses they teach. A module is a self-contained unit that infuses global content, context, and connections into the course. Key elements of a module are global learning outcomesglobal learning activities and resources.

For this grant, we define global learning outcomes as statements that describe the global knowledge, or skills students will acquire by the end of the class and global learning activities as the fundamental tasks that get students engaging in global thought and action. Modules must contain 2-3 global learning outcomes and 2-3 global learning activities. The final module (due April 4, 2025) must contain at least an additional 2 global learning activities. Global learning activities must be in at least 2 different formats – for example, you may not have students create presentations for all global learning activities. These modules will be used by community colleges in the Global Distinction program and will be made available to all community colleges in the state through the UNC World View website.

Individual instructors may apply to create a module for a course they teach. They will receive $750 upon completion of the module. EMAIL PROPOSALS TO:

Limited grants available! Apply now for the 2024-2025 grant cycle! Click here to download

  • Global Distinction Grant Application open: July 15, 2024
  • Due date for proposal submission: October 11 2024
  • Grants award notifications: within 2 weeks of submission
  • Based on proposals UNC World View will connect you with UNC librarians, area studies specialists, National Resource Centers, and appropriate faculty.
  • Individuals are encouraged to submit modules within one month after research visit. Final date for module submission is March 14, 2025
  • The review committee will provide feedback two weeks after receiving modules
  • Final revisions of modules due April 4, 2025 and all citations must conform to the guidelines of the Style Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition

Grants are available for modules covering Africa, Asia, Europe and the European Union, Latin America, East European and Eurasian countries, the Middle East and North Africa. Please check appropriate world region(s) on the application (no more than two). All applicants are encouraged to focus on no more than two regions that best fit their modules.

Scholar of Global Distinction Grant Application Open

July 15, 2024

Due Date for Proposal Submission

October 11, 2024

Grants Award Notifications

October 25, 2024

Final Revisions of Modules Due

April 4, 2025

Application Resources

Applicants are required to utilize the Scholar of Global Distinction Application Template when completing the application. Please also consult the tips for starting a module for ideas and here is a link to a sample module and previously globalized course modules. Email completed proposals to