Susan O'Rourke | July 26, 2023

Learning, listening, and laughter were hallmarks of the UNC World View Global Education Teacher Leader Institute held this June in Chapel Hill! The institute brought together teachers from diverse subject areas—including general education, music, special education, math, visual arts, science, Spanish, CTE, English, world history, and government—as well as regions across North Carolina and an educator flying in from Pennsylvania to join the institute! The space was buzzing with ideas as educators learned from area studies experts from UNC and other universities and from global education experts. Educators brainstormed how to enrich their global curricula with new lessons and projects.
Some highlights included:
- rolling up their sleeves for a cooking demonstration at and tour of the Sancar Turkish Cultural and Community Center
- developing greater awareness of intercultural communication
- practicing how to build interpersonal understanding and appreciation in the classroom and workplace following UNESCO’s Story Circles
- diving into content-rich sessions on the European Union and Latin America more broadly as well as focused discussions of the diverse cultures and histories of Cape Verde, Iran, and Panama!
- creating and workshopping action plans for the coming year
- strategizing how to support fellow educators back in educators’ districts who are want to instill their curricula with global perspectives
Global education prepares students for the workforce, cultivates empathy, and deepens students’ understanding and appreciation of the diversity here in NC. These UNC World View teacher leaders are creating positive change in their classrooms and school communities as they prepare students for the world! UNC World View is so grateful to collaborate with them, and we hope to see these phenomenal leaders back in Chapel Hill this fall at the K-12 Global Education Symposium!