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**Twitter Chats are no longer actively happening. Check our Twitter page for updates on occasional chats.**


UNC World View (@UNCWorldView) hosts weekly Twitter Chats on Wednesdays at 4pm EDT. Weekly chats bring educators together to discuss global issues and resources that can be used to integrate global themes in instruction. Educators are asked to review one featured resource ahead of each live chat. Resources may include a short film, article, podcast, poem or other resource that is available online. North Carolina K-12 and community college educators can earn Continuing Education Units (CEU) or Professional Development Contact Hours by participating!


To receive 1.0 CEU/ 10 PDCH you must:

  1. Review the featured resource for four chats. Resources are posted a week in advance via Twitter. Please follow @UNCWorldView and #WorldViewChats.
  2. Actively participate in four live Twitter chats by answering questions and responding to other participants. Weekly chats are 50 minutes long.
  3. Register as a participant seeking CEU by going to: Twitter Chat-CEU. Please note there is a $50 registration fee to receive CEU. There is no cost to participate in a Twitter chat if you do not want CEU/PDCH.
  4. Complete this form and return to Nick Allen, at UNC World View.